Shoot a less-than-one-minute long video about why voting in upcoming election is important to you and share it on social media. Tag @a4d_Artistsfordemocracy @usartsdept @5millionstrong.

Create and mount posters or signs where you live to support abortion-is-healthcare candidates running in support of healthy, supported people, Earth and democracy thriving.

Download issue-based Get Out The Vote posters by the amazing Lena Wolff & Hope Meng here. Download issue-based, draw and color-your-own posters by possibilitarian artist Jessica Gath here.

Sell artwork, sell tickets, sell merch, have a bake sale and send the $$ you raise to Walk the Walk or The Sunrise Movement––folks working to shore up our democracy, protect abortion as healthcare, keep Earth habitable for humans and other Earthlings, etc.

Provide voter concierge services through the Center for Artistic Activism. Learn more and get set up here.

Do a social media takeover for one of 5 Million Strong's partner organizations leading up to primary or general elections. If you're interested in this option and have 1000+ ig followers email us at 5millionstrong at gmail to be connected.

Do you teach? Engage your students as voters using Artists 4 Democracy's tools or your create your own. Please share whatever you and your students make with us all!


Check your voter registration right here. Invite 3 friends or family members to do the same.

Friendbank: Reach out to at least 3 friends or family members with clear, issue-related asks. Share your voting plans with one another. Commit to vote together or be one another's voting day accountability buddies. Team up to babysit for voters who are parents so they can do any of the above... What other ideas do you have?

Send postcards to voters––friendly, handwritten reminders to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.

Find textbanking, phonebanking and other Get Out the Vote (#GOTV) actions based on your geography and your interests at Vote Save America.

Donate to our friends at Walk the Walk. 100% of donations are responsive to the moment and support folks doing relational canvassing from the bottoms to the tops of the ballots in 11 battleground states. No need to juggle your donations between candidates anymore––Walk the Walk supports a progressive agenda from ballot initiatives to school boards to Attorneys General to the POTUS. Learn more about them and donate here.

Contribute to our shared list of wins FOR THE PEOPLE as a result of SHOWING UP and WINNING so many key elections these past few years.


Listen to Michael Moore's 12 mini-podcasts (or even just a couple of them): Blue Dots in A Red Sea.

Read "The Persuaders" by Anand Giridharadas.

In The Persuaders, Giridharadas introduces us to those who champion and lead with persuasion and teamwork in an age of polarization. Learn how to create popular movements with those who share many of our values versus siloing ourselves in tight cliques with only our closest movement allies. An inspiring read for folks who seek to build people power.



5 Million Strong acknowledges the original peoples of Turtle Island, the traditional name of the land on which we create, and pays respects to Indigenous people and Elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded.

CONTACT at 5millionstrong at gmail dot com

©5 Million Strong

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